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    Sun/ 太阳活力的象徵,人类赖以维生的自然资源,一切生命的起源 Our primary natural resource. All life begins with the sun-the ultimate symbol of vitality. It evokes Unilever’s origins in Port Sunlight and can represent a number of our brands. Flora,Slim-Fast and OMO all use radiance to communicate their benefits.
  DNA/ 基因双螺旋线形状,代表生命的起源和生化科学,更是健康生活的关键 The double helix,the genetic blueprint of life and a symbol of bio-science. It is the key to a healthy life. The sun is the biggest ingredient of life,and DNA the smallest.
  Bee/ 蜜蜂创造力、传播、辛勤工作,和物种多样性,象徵环境带来的机遇和挑战 Represents creation,pollination,hard work and bio-diversity. Bees symbolize both environmental challenges and opportunities.
  Hand/ 手象徵感性、关心与需求 A symbol of sensitivity,care and need. It represents both skin and touch.
  Flower/ 花朵芳香,与「手」图案组合时,代表滋润乳液或乳霜 Represents fragrance. When seen with the hand,it represents moisturizers or cream.
  Hair/ 发丝美丽的象徵,与「花朵」图案组合时,令人联想到乾净、芬芳;与「手」的图案组合时,则代表柔软 A symbol of beauty and looking good. Placed next to the flower it evokes cleanliness and fragrance; placed near the hand it suggests softness.
  Palm Tree/ 棕榈树多样的自然资源,也是天堂的象徵 A nurtured resource. It produces palm oil as well as many fruits-coconuts,bananas and dates-and also symbolizes paradise.
  Sauces or speads/ 调味酱代表混合与搅拌,表达混合香味、增添滋味之意 Represents mixing or stirring. It suggests blending in flavors and adding taste.
  Spoon/ 汤匙 象徵营养、口味与烹饪 A symbol of nutrition,tasting and cooking.
  Bowl/ 碗满满一碗充满香味的食物,亦代表即食食品、热饮或汤品 A bowl of delicious-smelling food. It can also represent a ready meal,hot drink or soup.
  Spice and flavours/ 辣椒及调味料代表辣椒或新鲜配料 Represents chili or fresh ingredients
  Fish/ 鱼象徵食品、海水或淡水 Represents food,sea or fresh water.
  Sparkle/ 火花明亮、健康、活力闪耀 Clean,healthy and sparkling with energy.
  Bird/ 小鸟象徵自由,从琐事中解脱,尽情享受生活乐趣 A symbol of freedom. It suggests a relief from daily chores,and getting more out of life.
  Recycle/ 循环实现持续做好环保的承诺 Part of our commitment to sustainability.
  Lips/ 嘴唇象徵美丽、美貌与品味兼具 Represent beauty,looking good and taste.
  Ice cream/ 冰淇淋休闲、愉悦及享受 A treat,pleasure and enjoyment.
  Tea/ 茶植物或从植物萃取的菁华,例如茶叶,也是成长与耕耘的象徵 A plant or an extract of a plant,such as tea. Also a symbol of growing and farming.
  Particles/ 微粒代表科学、泡沫与活跃 A reference to science bubbles and fizz.
  Frozen/ 冰冻植物是新鲜的象徵,代表个人清洁,与「衣物」图案一起使用,则代表衣物洗护 The plant is a symbol of freshness,the snowflake represents freezing. A transformational symbol.
  Wave/ 浪花乾净、清新与活力,代表个人清洁,与「衣物」图案一起使用,则代表衣物洗护 Symbolizes cleanliness,freshness and vigour either as personal washing or as a laundry icon (with the shirt)
  Liquid/ 水滴 代表乾净的水和纯净 A reference to clean water and purity.
  Container/ 容器代表包装,一瓶个人使用的乳液 Symbolizes packaging-a pot of cream associated with personal care.
  Clothes/ 衣物 代表美丽乾净的衣物 Represent fresh laundry and looking good.
  Heart/ 心象徵爱、呵护与健康 A symbol of love,care and health.


来源:互联网    作者:未知    时间:2012-8-21

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