一、2008年是日本与法国建交150周年纪念,两国将举办各式各样的纪念活动。http://www.ruiyids.com【长沙logo设计 长沙品牌设计 长沙广告设计】 1. Japan and France will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2008、and various commemorative events are scheduled.
2. The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of both Japan and France had been collecting submissions for a common logo for the 150th anniversary celebrations from the public、and received 716 entries. A selection committee consisting of both Japanese and French people has chosen one work as the formal logo (an image of the logo will be found at the MOFA’s website).
三、标志设计优胜者是来自巴黎的Claire Paumes女士。作品特色主要在于巧妙融合日本和服、太阳及法国艾菲尔铁塔,并运用了法国国旗蓝、白、红的颜色。
3. The winner is Ms. Claire Paumes who lives in Paris. The design features a kimono with a Rising Sun intertwined with the Eiffel Tower、in blue、white and red、the colors of the French national flag.
4. It is expected that the 150th anniversary in 2008 will further deepen mutual understanding between the Japanese and the French people、and that the two countries、cooperative relationship will be further widened and deepened into the future.
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